
Greener way to dye denim could cut the environmental impact of jeans
Black hole's powerful eruption creates a string of stellar jewelry
Dishabituation: How to trick your brain to find more joy in life
Bitcoin miners win legal battle to keep mum about energy use
Ford, Mercedes, and Tesla have the least problematic EV supply chains
ESA releases final images of satellite as it re-enters Earth’s atmosphere
Radar images reveal damage on Europe's doomed ERS-2 satellite during final orbits
The VGHF built an archive of gaming history — and is making it available online
Why Uber and Etsy came up so much in the Supreme Court’s social media arguments
Is battery swapping a better way to recharge electric cars?
Pokémon Z-A brings the series back to Kalos next year
Radar could help scientists find potentially threatening asteroids. Here's how

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