TechCrunch+ roundup: SaaS pricing strategies, 2022 open source report, can Vine regrow?

I found an old leather jacket in the back of a closet recently. It’s a vintage item in fantastic shape — except for a huge tear in one of the front pockets.

Two clothing donation centers rejected it, so I decided to see if it’s worth repairing. It was pricey when new, but with some attention and care, maybe it could find a second life.

Vine, Twitter’s shuttered video-sharing platform that launched three years before TikTok, is much like my old jacket: Back in the day, it earned compliments, but if I wore it out now, it’d just look janky as hell.

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In October 2022, incoming Twitter CEO Elon Musk polled his followers: “Bring back Vine?”

Nearly 70% responded yes, which means Twitter developers are “likely now asking themselves

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