Sea of Stars is pure RPG comfort food once you push past its slow start

A screenshot from Sea of Stars. Image: Sabotage Studio

Sea of Stars is basically a modern-day SNES RPG. I had a sense that would be the case going in: it has pixel art clearly inspired by 16-bit classics, pits a ragtag group of adventurers against evil forces, uses a clever turn-based battle system, and is filled with stunning music (including a few tracks from Chrono Trigger composer Yasunori Mitsuda). But I was glad my hunch was right. I devoured Sea of Stars in a little over a week, and each time I booted it up, I felt like I was playing the type of old-school RPG I would have spent afternoons with as a kid.

A lot of that nostalgia came from Sea of Stars’ gorgeous pixel art, which looks simila...

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