Renovate is building robots to install roof shingles

Roofing isn’t a glamorous job. In fact, one could reasonably argue that it checks off the classic three Ds of automation — dull, dirty and dangerous — with aplomb. It’s a prime candidate for transformation at the hands of some clever roboticists. It always ranks at or toward the top of the list of most dangerous construction jobs, and there are a lot of roofs in the world — every human who wants one should have one.

Renovate Robotics is building systems for the express purpose of installing shingles — including the asphalt and solar varieties at launch. This morning, the startup announced a $2.5 million pre-seed, led by Alley Robotics Ventures and featuring SOSV’s HAX, Newlab, Uphonest Capital and Climate Capital.

“We love backing ambitious founders tackling problems that really matter,” Alley Managing Partner Abe Murray says in a statement. “Renovate’s solution will reduce the danger of ...

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