Pragma Bio is searching for cancer remedies hidden in our microbiome

The natural world has produced many of our most important medicines, but instead of looking under a leaf or rock for the next big cancer drug, Pragma Bio is searching within the human body — its swarm of resident microbes, to be precise. With its novel approach and a fresh $10 million in funding, the startup hopes to embark on the first part of a ten-year plan.

The company is also assuming a new identity — it formerly raised a $4.5 million seed in 2020 as VastBiome, in case the tech sounds familiar.

In case you’re not aware, the human body is a total zoo. Countless bacteria and other microfauna pervade us, covering every surface inside and out. Most are benign, a handful malign, but many are beneficial in ways we don’t completely understand. For whatever reason, certain microbes being present in the body can correla...

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