Pitch Deck Teardown: Unito’s $20M Series B deck

Unito is a platform that takes a different approach to managing SaaS apps. Today we’ll take a look at how the company’s pitch deck helped it raise $20 million in Series B funding last year.

We’re looking for more unique pitch decks to tear down, so if you want to submit your own, here’s how you can do that

Slides in this deck

Unito shared its 12-slide deck, which is lightly redacted: It removed some logos for the companies it works with and left out its target companies, revenue targets and its growth chart. Still, even with these details omitted, we get a great picture of the company’s narrative structure.

Here’s an overview of the slides:

  1. Cover slide
  2. Highlights/summary slide
  3. Market context slide
  4. Problem slide
  5. ...
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