Pinterest is testing a new premium video ad format on its app’s search tab

Pinterest has begun alpha testing a new advertising product that allows brands to reach consumers from a more prominent position within the company’s mobile app. With the “Premiere Spotlight” ad, as the new format is currently being called, advertisers will gain access to a premium placement for 24 hours on the Pinterest app’s search page. This allows them to reach Pinterest users as they use one of the app’s key features — the ability to search for pins, inspiration, and ideas.

You can see the new ad format now in the most recent version of the Pinterest mobile app, where Kohl’s is currently advertising women’s spring apparel.

In addition to a short video that plays overlaid by text, there’s also a button that takes you to Kohl’s website. The site opens within the Pinterest app, not as a separate tab. From there, Pinterest users can browse the retailer’s product suggestions, search for other items, add items to their cart, and check out — just as they could if visi...

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