NeuReality lands $35M to bring AI accelerator chips to market

The growing demand for AI, particularly generative AI (i.e., AI that generates images, text and more), is supercharging the AI inferencing chip market. Inferencing chips accelerate the AI inferencing process, which is where AI systems generate outputs (e.g., text, images, audio) based on what they learned while “training” on a specific set of data. AI inferencing chips can be — and have been — used to yield faster generations from systems such as Stable Diffusion, which translates text prompts into artwork, and OpenAI’s GPT-3, which extends a few lines of prose into full-length poems, essays and more.

A number of vendors — both startups and well-established players — are actively developing and selling access to AI inferencing chips. There’s Hailo, Mythic and Read Entire Article

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