How Amazon beat Walmart — and who might beat Amazon: talking with reporter Jason Del Rey

Jason Del Rey has spent the last 15 years reporting on e-commerce businesses, including Walmart and Amazon. Now, in a new book that hit shelves today called Winner Sells All, he tells the broader story of Walmart — which long focused on preserving what it had built — and its epic battle with Amazon, whose land-and-expand strategy has led it into the lucrative cloud-storage business, the grocery business, the logistics industry, hardware and even Hollywood.

Indeed, what began as an annoyance to Walmart and later evolved into a bare-knuckle fight has in more recent years turned into an existential crisis for the 61-year-old business — and Del Rey finds out what the company is doing about it. At the same time, he examines the challenges that 29-year-old Amazon increasingly faces, including a growing inability to move quickly as it once did and its stubborn reluc...

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