Grazzy wants to stop letting people use ‘no cash’ as an excuse to avoid tipping

Carrying cash used to be a thing, but now with credit cards, and more recently digital wallets, having more than a couple of dollars in your physical wallet is hard to come by.

Unfortunately, that also leaves many of us ill prepared to show gratitude, especially when traveling, to give a cash tip to the people cleaning our rooms or bringing your car around.

Austin-based Grazzy wants to change that through its instant pay and tax compliance platform where people can leave tips for frontline workers that employees can access on the same day. It also provides a recruitment and retention tool for service-based employers, like hotels, bars, restaurants and salons, while also giving employees financial wellness tools.

Russell Lemmer, Grazzy’s founder and CEO, told TechCrunch he was one of those travelers who experiences great services at hotels but uses his phone for everything and rarely carries ...

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