Foxconn’s EVs will be built with Nvidia’s self-driving toolkit

Taiwanese manufacturer Foxconn and Nvidia announced Tuesday ahead of CES 2023 a partnership to develop automated and autonomous vehicle platforms.

Under the two-part partnership, Foxconn will become a primary supplier of electronic control units for automakers. Those ECUs, which are an essential component for all modern vehicles, will be built with Nvidia’s Drive Orin system-on-a-chip (SoC), a supercomputing AI platform that supports autonomous driving functions. As part of the partnership, Foxconn agreed to build its own branded electric vehicles with the Drive Orin ECUs and Nvidia’s suite of sensors like cameras, radar, lidar and ultrasonics (called Drive Hyperion) that are needed for highly automated driving capabilities.

Foxconn didn’t respond in time to clarify which future vehicles would feature Nvidia’s tech; the company has not yet built its ...

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