Flow Engineering wants to modernize the hardware engineering design process

Software engineers have a host of tooling to organize their projects, chief being Git software like GitLab or GitHub, but hardware engineers today lack that same organizing principle. They are stuck with a bunch of tech that doesn’t communicate well with each other, leaving them to build Excel spreadsheets to organize their work, a method which is prone to errors due to its manual nature.

Flow Engineering wants to fix that system and give hardware engineers, the folks who build complex systems like rockets and race cars, the same kinds of tools that their software counterparts have.

Today, the company announced an $8.5 million seed round.

Pari Singh, the founder and CEO at Flow, says they are replacing spreadsheets and helping bring automation, integration and collaboration to the hardware engineering process, which he says hasn’t evolved much over the last 30 years These engineers work in various modeling software, ...

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