European startups still have a long way to go to achieve gender parity

According to a new study from Sista and the Boston Consulting Group, women are still underrepresented in the European tech ecosystem. Only 22% of startups created in 2022 included a woman in the founding team. And when you look at women-only founding team, that number drops to 10%. That means that, yes, 78% of European startups founded in 2022 only had male founders.

To put it another way, one in two women partner with men to create a startup, but only one in ten men partner with women when it’s time to start a startup.

This year’s study focused on five European countries in particular — France, the U.K., Germany, Spain and Sweden. While women are still very much underrepresented in France, the U.K., Germany and Spain, Swedish startups are faring better — at least slightly. In Sweden, nearly on...

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