Dylibso raises $6.6M to help developers take WebAssembly to production

WebAssembly (Wasm for short) is an open standard that enables browser-based applications to run with near-native performance. It has also expanded to support non-browser environments, which is what is driving a lot of the recent hype around it. But like any emerging technology, it needs a stronger tooling ecosystem to realize its full potential.

One of the companies that’s pushing in this direction is Dylibso, a startup that has made it its mission to help development teams take Wasm to production. The company, which is announcing a $6.6 million seed funding round at the Wasm I/O conference in Barcelona today, made a name for itself with Extism, its open-source universal plug-in system that allows developers to integrate WebAssembly into their existing non-WebAssembly codebase. It’s also launching Modsurfer, a system ...

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