Catch+Release is building an AI-powered search engine to help brands license user-generated content

Companies seeking images or videos for their materials materials will typically commission a shoot, or scour stock media catalogs. Catch+Release, however, wants to help marketers license existing user-generated content, and the eight-year-old startup is setting out to build an AI-powered search engine to help brands do just that.

Catch+Release — founded out of San Francisco by Analisa Goodin — has been in existence since 2015: first as an image research firm, and then as a platform for brands to find user-generated content for their various campaigns. The company raised a $14 million in Series A round of funding in 2021, and today it revealed that it has raised an $8 million extension round at the same (undisclosed) valuation. Existing backer Accel has returned to the fra...

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