New Scientist

Drones on strings could puppeteer people in virtual reality
Genetically modified tobacco plant produces cocaine in its leaves
Promising universal flu vaccine could protect against 20 strains
Candy-like mixture can print patterns on microscopic objects
Low traffic neighbourhood schemes cut air pollution on nearby roads
BBC documentary used face-swapping AI to hide protesters' identities
Newborn female mice live longer if they smell older females' urine
NASA’s Orion capsule captures gorgeous close-up pictures of the moon
Vaccine to prevent UTIs could be taken as a dissolving tablet
Prosthetic leg can 'change gears' to make going up stairs easier
The blessing and the curse of the axion’s rise in US particle physics
Orchidomania: A history of our obsession with orchids
The Darkness Manifesto review: Why we need to turn out the lights
Where might James Bond go next, in terms of science and technology?
Good Night Oppy review: Hybrid doc is the best Pixar movie never made
Utama review: An unsettling look at climate change in Bolivia
A volunteer project used GPS to detect a North Korean missile test
We may finally know how blazars act as cosmic particle accelerators

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