New Scientist

Amazing image of crescent Earth rising over the moon captured by Orion
COP15 target to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 is ‘unrealistic’
Girl with a Pearl Earring and Mona Lisa recreated with nanotechnology
Drug that targets ACE2 receptors may work against new covid variants
Mars may have a huge plume of hot rocks rising towards its surface
How did so many giant meat-eating dinosaurs co-exist in the Jurassic?
Hundreds of razorbills have been turning up far from home in Italy
Mexico’s latest plan to save endangered vaquitas could backfire
Most people who threatened to quit Twitter for Mastodon haven't left
The 3013 neurons in the brain of a fly larva have been mapped in full
Plasma sail spacecraft could soar like an albatross to Alpha Centauri
Trapping powder quickly removes all microplastics from water
First faecal transplant treatment approved for use in the US
JWST has taken pictures of clouds on Saturn’s moon Titan
Vaccine prompts HIV antibodies in 97 per cent of people in small study
DeepMind AI uses deception to beat human players in war game Stratego
Yellowstone supervolcano contains twice as much melted rock as thought
Owl-like engravings from Copper Age may have been made by children

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