New Scientist

Galaxy clusters are smashing together to form 'flaming cosmic narwhal'
Dolphins that help humans catch fish are more likely to survive
Animals that care for young may have more mutations and evolve faster
Inside the complex and extremely violent world of warring mongooses
Forests bioengineered to capture more carbon will be planted in the US
Net-zero aviation needs up to $1 trillion in carbon offsets by 2050
Microplastics can be recycled to make electrodes for lithium batteries
Only eating between 7am and 3pm helps people with obesity lose weight
Doughnut-shaped laser used to create an optical fibre out of air
Reports of Bigfoot rise when at least 900 black bears are in the area
US hospitals are facing critically low supplies of liquid ibuprofen
Bears may self-medicate against ticks by rubbing against trees
Two of the UK's water companies are still using dowsing to find leaks
Solar panel cleaning robot can be dropped off and picked up by drone
Multicellular life may have begun with brief alliances between cells
US childhood obesity guidelines may rush the use of drugs or surgery
‘Love hormone' may not be crucial for social bonding after all
Taxing sugary drinks may not cut obesity as much as headlines claim

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