New Scientist

Stripy wind turbines could prevent fatal seabird collisions
US agency says covid-19 may have leaked from lab – here's what to know
We need to test solar geoengineering techniques soon, say researchers
Google’s quantum computer simulation of a wormhole may not have worked
Should you have children? The true costs and benefits of parenthood
Artificial sweetener erythritol linked to heart attacks and strokes
Thor the walrus spotted on Iceland coast following visit to the UK
Global cholera outbreak: More than 1 billion people are at risk
Sea turtle strandings on the US east coast have increased drastically
How to see the northern lights in the UK tonight
SpaceX launch scrapped at last minute leaving NASA astronauts grounded
US military to test destroying toxic PFAS with superheated water
A single injection could protect babies against RSV over winter
Shock collars could keep elephants out of conflict with humans
Huge ecological disaster in river Oder last year could repeat in 2023
Lockdown forced London's peregrine falcons to eat more parakeets
Ohio train derailment killed more than 40,000 aquatic animals
Bird flu death: What will happen next and is there a vaccine?

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