New Scientist

Galaxies’ missing matter may be found – but now there’s too much of it
Creature review: Human nature is key to a sci-fi ballet
Microsoft uses ChatGPT AI to control flying drones and robot arms
Heating water with computer servers could save UK homes £150 a year
Quantum computers that use 'cat qubits' may make fewer errors
Wooden robot hand can lift objects and withstand high temperatures
There may be just 800 of these endangered eagles left in the wild
Lion infected with covid-19 probably passed it on to two zoo workers
AI masters video game 6000 times faster by reading the instructions
Earliest signs of horse riding found in 5000-year-old human remains
Man in Florida killed by rare, brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri
Play VR games on a bus by wiggling your fingers as if they were arms
AI speeds up design of new antibodies that could target breast cancer
Wildlife trading treaty has been helping to save animals for 50 years
Warming temperatures are creating 'zombie forests' in California
ChatGPT can be made to write scam emails and it slashes their cost
Moai statue discovered in a dried-up lake on Easter Island
Horn of Africa drought is set to become the region’s worst on record

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