New Scientist

Trapping powder quickly removes all microplastics from water
First faecal transplant treatment approved for use in the US
JWST has taken pictures of clouds on Saturn’s moon Titan
Vaccine prompts HIV antibodies in 97 per cent of people in small study
DeepMind AI uses deception to beat human players in war game Stratego
Yellowstone supervolcano contains twice as much melted rock as thought
Owl-like engravings from Copper Age may have been made by children
Ancient megatsunami on Mars traced to the crater where it began
Newly discovered dinosaur has a streamlined body like a diving bird
Flying squirrels carve nuts to store them securely in tree branches
China's failure to vaccinate makes giving up on zero covid a huge risk
Antibiotics encoded in Neanderthal DNA could help us fight infections
Sperm-blocking vaginal gel could be a reliable contraceptive method
Microfibres that pollute the seas are floating homes for bacteria
Plastic 'Pac-Man' moves using water ripples
COP15: What to expect at the biggest biodiversity summit in a decade
Ant pupae produce a nourishing liquid food for larvae and adults
A quantum computer has simulated a wormhole for the first time

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