New Scientist

Wormholes could magnify light by a factor of 100,000
Sunquakes may be caused by weird beams of electrons from solar flares
Human neurons implanted into a rat's brain respond to flashing lights
Google AI generates musical backing tracks to accompany singers
US military plan to create huge autonomous drone swarms sparks concern
Should we be worried about bird flu spreading to mammals?
Flying robot echolocates like a bat to avoid banging into walls
Antidepressants mostly can't treat chronic pain, despite wide use
Vikings brought horses and dogs to England, cremated bones confirm
Neanderthals hunted enormous elephants that fed 100 people for a month
Tweets reveal hardware stores cause disgust but motels bring joy
Ancient Egyptians used exotic oils from distant lands to make mummies
Putting solar panels in grazing fields is good for sheep
Most of England's sewage systems are overwhelmed, finds analysis
Hearing noise and moving our body helps us gauge the passing of time
Doubling trees in European cities could prevent thousands of deaths
San Francisco is getting cold feet about self-driving car tests
How to tell if your immune system is weak or strong

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