New Scientist

Nanotechnology paint provides brilliant colour that doesn't fade
We can suck CO2 from the air and store it in the ocean as baking soda
Mice have been born from eggs derived from male cells
'Red matter' superconductor could transform electronics – if it works
Soil bacteria enzyme generates electricity from hydrogen in the air
Fossil thought to be earliest bryozoan animal may actually be seaweed
How smoke from Australia’s megafires ate away at the ozone
Restoring the brain’s mitochondria could slow ageing and end dementia
Sickle cell disease is now curable, but the treatment is unaffordable
The UK's official swimming rivers are too polluted to swim in
Covid-19 vaccines during pregnancy protect newborns from infection
Bumblebees can teach each other how to open a puzzle box
AI creates pictures of what people are seeing by analysing brain scans
The truth about cats' domestication and why they really quite like us
Drunk mice sober up twice as fast when given hormone injection
First 3D-printed rocket is about to launch into space
Money actually does buy happiness, says Nobel prize-winning economist
UK faces rising costs for flood damage even with modest warming

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