Amazon takes a step towards a zero ETL future with two announcements at re:Invent

Amazon made a couple of announcements today at AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas that helps move data management towards a future without the need for ETL.

ETL, extract transform load, is the bane of every data scientist and team as they try to get data into shape to put it to work. As AWS CEO Adam Selipsky explained, you may have data in a number of different places like your application usage data in a database and customer reviews in your data lake. Putting them together has been a significant challenge up until now.

AWS introduced Aurora zero-ETL integration with Amazon Redshift to give customers using the Aurora database and the Redshift data warehouse, the ability to move data without having to perform ETL on it.

“We’ve been working for a few years now and building integrations between our services to make it easier to do analytics and machine learning without having to deal with ETL,” Selipsky told the re:Invent audience.

“But what if we could do more?...

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