Amazon CloudWorks Internet Monitor lets you track connection-related performance issues

When it comes to performance issues, it’s hard to know where the problem lies. This is especially true when your monitoring dashboard shows an all-clear, yet you’re still hearing slow app complaints from your users. In these cases, there’s a good chance those problems could be related to an internet connection issue.

These kinds of issues are harder to track down because they vary so greatly and depend on a lot of factors that are mostly out of your control. Amazon wants to make it easier to track these kinds of issues on apps running on AWS infrastructure with a new service called Amazon CloudWorks Internet Monitor. It’s announcing the new service this week at AWS re:Invent.

As the name implies, it’s part of the CloudWorks monitoring tool, and it looks at internet connections around the world to find trouble spots.

“Internet Monitor uses the connectivity data that we capture from our global networking footprint to calculate a baseline of performance and avai...

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