All the things Apple Sherlocked at WWDC 2023

At the Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) last week, Apple spent a lot of time discussing about new features and apps it is introducing with the next major releases of iOS, macOS, watchOS and iPadOS. A lot of those functionalities were available to users through third-party apps.

That means Apple “Sherlocked” some of these ideas — which is a term used for features the company got inspired by from third-party solutions. Essentially, people are likely to use system-integrated features more than third-party apps, and that affects the latter’s business.

The history behind “Sherlocked”

But why do people talk about “Sherlocking” in the first place? Apple released a search app named Sherlock for macOS 8 in the late 90s. The tool was aimed at searching the web and files on users’ local systems.

Meanwhile, a company called Karelia Software had a $29 search app named Watson with some better features like plug-ins for improved internet search. In 2002, Apple...

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