123 Baby Box delivers for parents seeking children’s products without the hassle

The internet is a big place, and there are millions of recommendations for products tailored to babies. So how do you find the right products? And why would you trust a 20-something person with no children to help you?

Well, Zarina Bahadur got her inspiration, actually, from a mother in the grocery store when she was a student at The University of California Irvine studying business.

“I was in Target and saw a mom in her work clothes and she had a crying baby in one hand, a toddler in the other, and her cart was filled to the brim with baby products,” Bahadur told TechCrunch. “I thought to myself, we’re living in the 21st century: Why can’t all these things come to her and be packed in a box. That’s kind of where the idea stemmed from.”

She began doing some research and found that new parents faced something Bahadur called “analysis paralysis.” She explained that there is “overload of baby products,” including some that aren’t needed, but that it is difficult...

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